11ty WebC Render Function Layout Bug

Reproduce a bug where a render function that’s part of a WebC layout in Eleventy is not re-processed as WebC, but the same render function in a page template is.


  • src/components/test-comp.webc an HTML-only WebC component for testing
  • src/layouts/base.webc Renders <test-comp> inside and outside a render function, followed by the page template content
  • src/pages/works.webc Renders <test-comp> inside and outside a render function
  • src/pages/index.md Template that uses base.webc layout

Run the build

npm run build

Expected output


<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Bare Component</p>

<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Render function</p>

<p>Howdy howdy</p>


<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Bare Component</p>

<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Render function</p>

Actual output


<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Bare Component</p>

<test-comp>Render function</test-comp>

<p>Howdy howdy</p>


<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Bare Component</p>

<h2>Test component</h2>
<p>Render function</p>