Quiz Bowl Discord Score Tracker

This is a Discord bot which keeps track of who buzzed in, as well as each player's score.


Adding the bot to your server:

  • Click here to add the bot to your server.
  • Grant the bot the following permissions:
    • Read Text Channels & See Voice Messages
    • Embed Links
    • Attach Files
    • Send Messages
    • Mute Members
  • If you want to mute the reader when someone buzzes in, use this command to pair your packet channel with the voice channel: !pairChannels #packet-text-channel Voice-Channel-Name


  • If you want to be the reader, type in !read
  • Read questions. Buzz in with "buzz", or near equivalents like "bzz", "buzzzz", etc.
    • If a player needs to withdraw their buzz, type in "wd"
  • When someone buzzes in, give them a score (-5, 0, 10, 15, 20). If the person gets the question wrong, the next person in the queue will be prompted.
    • If no one got the question correct, type in !next
    • If the current question is in a bad state and you need to clear all answers and the queue, type in !clear
    • If you are playing with bonuses, score them with splits (like 10/0/10) or binary (101).
  • You can type !score to get the current scores
  • If the reader needs to undo their last scoring action, use !undo
  • If you want to change readers, use !setnewreader @NewReadersMention
  • If you want to export the results to a scoresheet, use one of the export commands, like !exportToFile
  • When you're done reading, type !end
  • To see the list of all the commands, type !help



  • .Net Core 3.1 SDK
    • If using Visual Studio, you need Visual Studio 2017.5
  • Libraries from Nuget:
    • Discord.Net
    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore (Design, Tools, and Sqlite)
    • Microsoft.Extensions (Hosting, Configuration, Configuration.Json)
    • Serilog
    • Moq
    • These may be automatically downloaded. If not, you can get them by Managing your Nuget references in the Visual Studio solution.
  • Install Libman, and run libman restore in the Web directory
  • You will need to create your own Discord bot at https://discordapp.com/developers. Follow the steps around creating your bot in Discord mentioned in the "Running the bot on your own machine" section.

Runnig the bot on your own machine

  • Install .Net Core Runtime 3.1
  • Unzip the release
  • Create your own config file. Use the sampleConfig.txt file as an example. Your file should be called config.txt.
  • Go to https://discordapp.com/developers to register your instance of the bot
    • Make sure that the bot has both the Presence and Server Members Intent, which you can set in the Bot pane of the application view
    • Update token.txt with the client secret from your registered Discord bot
    • Visit this site (with your bot's client ID) to add the bot to your channel
  • Run the .exe file
  • Grant your bot the following permissions:
    • Read Text Channels & See Voice Messages
    • Attach Files
    • Embed Links
    • Send Messages
    • Mute Members