The guide and scripts come with no warranty. You must use all the things at your own risk.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime 授人以鱼不如授人以渔
The repository contains two kinds of content:
stock: kernel, package and guide of development for WD MyCloud Gen2 stock system. I packed
. All other things are from Auska's repository. I've completely delete the stock system. Thus, no new things will be added. -
debian: kernel, package and guide for debian jessie packed by Fox. I built or wrote most scripts here from scratch. Although I may add something in future, it's not very likely since I'm pretty satisfied with the current status, unless another meltdown bug is found in linux's community.
There are too many things in the repo and I don't have time to track them down. My scripts are all licensed with MIT.