
This is "framework" for spiking neural networks machine learning based on temporal encoding using Fisher' Iris, Wisconsin Breast Bancer and skelarn Digits datasets. You can optimize model parameters using MultiNEAT neuroevolution library. It can be running with mpi.



To start simulation create your own py file and add

from spiking_network_learning_alghorithm.solver_new import solve_task


or run from command line

python solver_new path-to-folder-with-settings-file

here is example of settings file for Fisher's Iris Classification settings.json

    "model": {
        "neuron_out": {
            "V_reset": 0.0,
            "E_L": 0.0,
            "I_e": 0.0,
            "C_m": 1.0,
            "V_m": 0.0,
            "t_ref": 19.0,
            "V_th": 2.5,
            "tau_m": 6.0,
            "tau_minus": 31.0
        "syn_dict_inh": {
            "weight": -5,
            "model": "static_synapse"
        "syn_dict_stdp_hid": {
            "weight": {
                "sigma": 0.0,
                "mu": 1.0,
                "distribution": "normal"
            "mu_plus": 0.0,
            "lambda": 0.03,
            "tau_plus": 10.429564842488617,
            "mu_minus": 0.0,
            "model": "stdp_synapse",
            "Wmax": {
                "sigma": 0.0,
                "mu": 1.0,
                "distribution": "normal"
            "alpha": 0.85
        "neuron_hid": {
            "V_reset": -5.0,
            "E_L": 0.0,
            "I_e": 0.0,
            "C_m": 10.0,
            "V_m": -5.0,
            "t_ref": 3.0,
            "V_th": 1.0,
            "tau_m": 10.0,
            "tau_minus": 33.7
        "syn_dict_stdp": {
            "weight": {
                "sigma": 0.0,
                "mu": 1.0,
                "distribution": "normal"
            "mu_plus": 0.0,
            "lambda": 0.03,
            "tau_plus": 6.0,
            "mu_minus": 0.0,
            "model": "stdp_synapse",
            "Wmax": {
                "sigma": 0.0,
                "mu": 1.0,
                "distribution": "normal"
            "alpha": 0.65
        "neuron_out_model": "iaf_psc_exp",
        "neuron_hid_model": "iaf_psc_exp"
    "learning": {
        "n_splits": 5,
        "fitness_func": "f1",
        "use_teacher": true,
        "reinforce_delta": 0.0,
        "use_fitness_func": true,
        "teacher_amplitude": 100.0,
        "epochs": 20,
        "reinforce_time": 6.0,
        "metrics": "f1"
    "data": {
        "coding_sigma": 0.005,
        "shuffle_train": true,
        "n_coding_neurons": 20,
        "normalization": "normalize",
        "valid_size": 0.1,
        "dataset": "iris",
        "preprocessing": "",
        "use_valid": false,
        "shuffle_test": true,
        "frequency_coding": false
    "network": {
        "num_threads": 48,
        "noise_after_pattern": false,
        "h_time": 25.0,
        "noise_freq": 3.0,
        "test_with_noise": false,
        "num_procs": 1,
        "h": 0.01,
        "separate_networks": false,
        "save_history": false,
        "start_delta": 50,
        "test_with_inhibition": true
    "topology": {
        "use_reciprocal": false,
        "use_inhibition": true,
        "two_layers": false,
        "n_layer_hid": 100,
        "n_layer_out": 3,
        "n_input": 80