
hack-a-thing-1-brayanhack created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Hack A Thing 1

Flask API Development and Testing

Short description of what you attempted to build:

I attempted to learn how to create a Flask app in order to create an API that allows users to create, read, update, and delete planets from a database. Through the use of Javascript web tokens, the Flask app allows for users to register new accounts and login. Once a user has retrieved their JWT, users are required to provide their tokens as part of their HTTP requests in order to perform changes to the database. This tutorial guided me through the development of the API, the testing of the API using Postman. This build primarily focused on backend development in preparation for any frontend.

Who did what (if you worked with someone else):

Built by Brayan Lozano

What you learned:

I learned how to use Postman and develop an API quickly through the use of Flask. I have previously used Django which automatically creates routes for each model where this application requires the explicit definition of each route and its behavior.

What didn’t work:

I was not able to setup much of a frontend due the lack of introduction to templates within the tutorial used. Logging in and maintaining a session within the browser was tricky but I know can be done with the proper setup of cookies.


https://www.linkedin.com/learning/building-restful-apis-with-flask/ https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/