
Test-Driven Dart Algorithms. Coding interview questions, algorithms, problems solved using Dart.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Solutions to various algorithms using the Dart programming language.

by Vince Varga

What to expect

I decided to implement various algorithms, solve programming challenges and problems, all the while I'm learnign to write idiomatic Dart code and get better at testing in Dart. I used to test everything thoroughly in JavaScript, but didn't really learn the testing libraries in Dart yet.

Based on the things I'm learning here, I write a Dart package for all things data structures and common algorithms. Go to dartsidedev/pop_dart to figure out where we stand on library front today.



This project uses dartfmt to idiomatically format Dart source code.

Run dartfmt -w . before committing to make sure every Dart file is properly formatted.

## Format and fix issues.
$ dartfmt -w .

## Command running in CI.
$ dartfmt -n --set-exit-if-changed .
## See return value of dartfmt. If equals to 1, the build will fail.
$ echo $?

Static analysis and linter

We use dartanalyzer to run static analysis and a linter on this project.

## Run analyzer and see any issues.
$ dartanalyzer .

## Command running in CI.
$ dartanalyzer --fatal-infos --fatal-warnings .
## See return value of dartanalyzer. If equals to 1, the build will fail.
$ echo $?

This project's analysis_options.yaml file is taken from the flutter/flutter project.


Run all tests in the project by executing pub run test . command.

Continuous Integration

We use Travis CI to check our code on every push.

Travis CI Build Status

Run all commands locally

bash check