
Numerical analysis course using VBA in Excel by Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

ITB VBA Numerical Analysis Course

This repository contains my portfolio of numerical analysis using VBA in excel experience, practice and final task practiced and completed by me in metallugical engineering undergraduate program, faculty of mining and petroleum engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia.


  1. One Variable Equation Solution
    • Bisection Method
    • Regula Falsi Method
    • Fixed Point Method
    • Newton - Raphson Method
    • Secant Method
  2. Simultaneous Equation Solution
    • Newton - Raphson Method
    • Steepest Descent Method
  3. System of Linear Equations
    • Gauss Method
    • Gauss - Jordan Method
  4. Numerical Integration
    • Trapezoid Method
    • Midpoint Method
    • 1/3 Simpson Method
    • 3/8 Simpson Method
  5. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
    • Euler Method
    • D. Taylor Method
    • Heun Method
    • R-K 4 Method
  6. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
    • Finite Difference Method


  1. One Variable Equation Solution
  • Bisection Method


  • Regula Falsi Method


  • Fixed Point Method


  • Newton - Raphson Method


  • Secant Method


  1. Simultaneous Equation Solution
  • Newton - Raphson Method

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  • Steepest Descent Method


  1. System of Linear Equations
  • Gauss Method

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  • Gauss - Jordan Method
  1. Numerical Integration
  • Trapezoid Method


  • Midpoint Method


  • 1/3 Simpson Method


  • 3/8 Simpson Method


  1. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Euler Method
  • D. Taylor Method
  • Heun Method
  • R-K 4 Method
  1. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
  • Finite Difference Method

Final Task

All in one numerical analysis methods for finding the solutions of the given question in Final Task_Numerical Analysis_ITB.pdf



  1. J. Douglas Faires and Richard Burden, “Numerical Methods”, Brooks Cole Publisher, Fourth Edition, 2012
  2. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers,“ 6th edition, Mc.Graw-Hill International Edition, 2009
  3. SS. Rao,“Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists“, Prentice-Hall, 2001
  4. Kenneth J. Beer, “Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering: Applications in MATLAB,“ Cambridge University Press, first edition, 2006