A Beat that monitors a local Nessus reports directory and outputs scan results to Elasticsearch or Logstash.
- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- AdamBouhmad@hashicorp
- adamstauffer
- attackgithub
- austinsongerFormAssembly
- bash0x0Twitter
- beelives
- canerce
- chennqqi
- darendarrow
- derentis
- diceoneT-Systems
- dustin-deckerTruffle Security Co.
- fourdayforecast
- jamestfordCapstone Security
- jrbingOrmond Beach, FL
- kingkarlito
- lnx01
- lylsq
- magnologanTrend Micro
- mbarretta@chainguard-dev
- Mehonoshin@NetsoftHoldings
- onlinesecurity
- pastrom
- pokkai
- pt1988
- rfde
- RocketPropelledDataChicago, IL
- RodolfoMiguelLopezDepartment Of Defense
- sylvain101010New York, NY
- webs3c