🐚 Simple ZSH plugin for automatically activating and deactivating Poetry-created virtualenvs. 🐍
- AdamBouhmad@hashicorp
- alexeiz
- almereydaallmende
- AnarchyCrew
- anezjonathanJonathan Anez
- attomosdata experience @agoda-com
- bhStuffle GmbH
- blakewattersBaselayer
- boiledfroginthewell
- bossjonesBehance Inc.
- bryanasdev000Wake
- ecly@useTwain
- ehartmannResilience
- estravizFrontiers
- estyxx@torchbox
- evandam
- jpweytjensGhent University
- lainiwa
- lorarjohnsNew York, NY
- lovetoburnswhen
- maehr@DHBern & @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel
- mahmoudhossam@cnry
- mrjohannchangTaipei
- npalladium
- paw-lu
- perfectsprFMR
- ptran32Paris
- rcox771
- saarsa
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- tasi788hex
- tbuchboeck
- thundergolfer@modal-labs
- ur4ltzKharkiv - Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine
- weilbithBrainbot Technologies
- zhengyu-yangMeta Reality Labs Research