
Python/bash script to count all source lines of code :page_facing_up: for a Github user :octocat:

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python/bash script to count all sloc for a github user


download/clone repo and extract contents

cd into folder

run using $python3 user-sloc [username]

  • username is your github username

  • owner specifies the script to only look at repos you own

eg: $ python3 user-sloc.py darvid7 owner


192-168-1-2:github-user-all-sloc David$ python3 user-sloc.py darvid7 -h
usage: user-sloc.py [-h] [-l SORT_BY_LANGUAGE] [-c COUNT_DESCENDING]
                    [-o ONLY_OWNER] [-v VERBOSITY]

Script to count all source lines of code for a Github user.

positional arguments:
  username              String, Github username

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l SORT_BY_LANGUAGE, --sort_by_language SORT_BY_LANGUAGE
                        Boolean, sort results by language.
                        Boolean, sort results by SLOC count descending, if
                        False sorts in ascending order.
  -o ONLY_OWNER, --only_owner ONLY_OWNER
                        Boolean, only check repositories that the user owns.
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Integer, level of verbosity. 0: Only show progress
                        bar. 1: Print out repository being processed. 2: Print
                        every UPDATE and INSERT to db.

Sample output

192-168-1-2:github-user-all-sloc David$ python3 user-sloc.py darvid7 -o=True -l=True
 64% (29 of 45) |############################################################################                                           | Elapsed Time: 0:20:31 ETA: 0:22:42
Finished processing repositories...

Language | SLOC | Num Files
('JavaScript', 743657, 6415)
('Markdown', 142645, 1244)
('Python', 139684, 960)
('JSON', 132866, 1291)
('XML', 84705, 254)
('CSS', 39598, 134)
('HTML', 31157, 264)
('PHP', 11044, 162)
('Java', 10349, 233)
('LESS', 7272, 87)
('XSLT', 4238, 29)
('CoffeeScript', 2588, 16)
('C', 2452, 53)
('YAML', 2444, 210)
('XSD', 2208, 6)
('SASS', 1787, 17)
('Assembly', 1371, 17)
('Swift', 962, 37)
('make', 848, 72)
('Bourne Again Shell', 365, 3)
('Groovy', 335, 18)
('INI', 308, 10)
('Bourne Shell', 300, 28)
('DOS Batch', 192, 3)
('C/C++ Header', 123, 31)
('ERB', 112, 2)
('TypeScript', 104, 2)
('Prolog', 83, 5)
('C++', 77, 2)
('Handlebars', 67, 4)
('Arduino Sketch', 65, 2)
('Go', 52, 4)
('C Shell', 17, 1)
('Ruby', 16, 2)
('Lisp', 12, 2)
('PowerShell', 4, 1)


$ pip install PyGithub
  • progressbar lib
$ pip install progressbar2

To do:

  • add ignore language option

  • add quiet option

  • add ignore file lists

  • add ignore extension

  • nicer formatting of results

  • ignore frameworks


Note: This also counts private repositories.