

Primary LanguageC

RTL872x firmware with SDK

Project structure

|- component - all supported components & examples
|- docs - some documentation from Realtek
|- SDK
   |- high-power-core - sdk for for Cortex-M33
   |- low-power-core - sdk for for Cortex-M23
|- src
   |- hpc - source code for main MCU - Cortex-M33
   |- lpc - source code for second MCU - Cortex-M23
|- toolchain
   |- asdk - archives with SDK
   |- linux     
   |- windows     
   |- darwin
|- tools - tools for prepare and flash firmware        



make build

Flash firmware

make {port=/dev/cu.usbserial-1130} {speed=1500000} {erase=Disable}
  • port - device port: /dev/cu.usbserial-1130
  • speed - serial port speed: 115200 - 1500000
  • erase - erase flash: Enable/Disable

Operation flash both MCU


Menuconfig for high power MCU, etc for main MCU

make sdk-menuconfig

Menuconfig for low power MCU, etc for second MCU

make sdk-menuconfig-low


Stub target help CLion find all source files in project

make stub