
AirSim API for JVM based languages

Primary LanguageKotlin

JVM API for AirSim

This repository aim to provide a JVM interface to the AirSim API in order to allow its use with Java, Kotlin, Scala, SARL, etc.


You need need an up-to-date version of Gradle, e.g. 7

gradle publishToMavenLocal

GitHub workflow


The package fr.utbm.airsim.api located in src/main/kotlin contains the class representing the possible messages and the interface to send or retrieve these messages from AirSim.

The package fr.utbm.airsim.api located in src/test/kotlin contains examples on how to use this API.

Mapped functions


Related to the connection with the API

fun confirmConnection()
fun reset()

fun getConnectionState(): Int
fun ping(): Boolean
fun getClientVersion(): Int
fun getServerVersion(): Int
fun getMinRequiredServerVersion(): Int
fun getMinRequiredClientVersion(): Int

fun armDisarm(arm: Boolean, vehicleName: String = ""): Boolean
fun isApiControlEnabled(vehicleName: String = ""): Boolean
fun enableApiControl(isEnabled: Boolean, vehicleName: String = "")

Control of the simulation

fun simIsPaused(): Boolean
fun simPause(isPaused: Boolean)
fun simContinueForTime(seconds: Double)

fun simSetTimeOfDay(isEnabled: Boolean, startDatetime: String = "", isStartDatetimeDst: Boolean = false,
                    celestialClockSpeed: Float = 1f, updateIntervalSecs: Float = 60f, moveSun: Boolean = true)

fun simEnableWeather(enable: Boolean)
fun simSetWeatherParameter(param: WeatherParameter, value: Float)

fun simGetObjectPose(objectName: String): Pose
fun simSetObjectPose(objectName: String, pose: Pose, teleport: Boolean = true): Boolean

fun cancelLastTask(vehicleName: String)

fun simPrintLogMessage(message: String, messageParam: String, severity: Int = 0)

Getting vehicle data

fun getHomeGeoPoint(vehicleName: String = ""): GeoPoint

fun getLidarData(lidarName: String = "", vehicleName: String = ""): LidarData

fun simSetSegmentationObjectID(meshName: String, objectId: String, isNameRegex: Boolean = true)
fun simGetSegmentationObjectID(meshName: String)

fun simGetVehiclePose(vehicleName: String = ""): Pose
fun simSetVehiclePose(pose: Pose, ignoreCollision: Boolean, vehicleName: String = "")

fun simGetImages(request: Array<ImageRequest>, vehicleName: String = ""): Array<ImageResponse>
fun simGetImage(cameraName: String, type: ImageType, vehicleName: String = "")

fun simGetCollisionInfo(vehicleName: String = ""): CollisionInfo

fun simGetCameraInfo(cameraName: String, vehicleName: String = ""): CameraInfo
fun simSetCameraOrientation(cameraName: String, orientation: Quaternionr, vehicleName: String = "")

fun simGetGroundTruthKinematics(vehicleName: String = ""): KinematicsState
fun simGetGroundTruthEnvironment(vehicleName: String = ""): EnvironmentState

Character control

fun simCharSetFaceExpression(expressionName: String, value: Float, characterName: String = "")
fun simCharGetFaceExpression(expressionName: String, characterName: String = ""): Float
fun simCharGetAvailableFaceExpressions(): Array<String>
fun simCharSetSkinDarkness(value: Float, characterName: String = "")
fun simCharGetSkinDarkness(characterName: String = ""): Float
fun simCharSetSkinAgeing(value: Float, characterName: String = "")
fun simCharGetSkinAgeing(characterName: String = ""): Float
fun simCharSetHeadRotation(q: Quaternionr, characterName: String = "")
fun simCharGetHeadRotation(characterName: String = ""): Quaternionr
fun simCharSetBonePose(boneName: String, pose: Pose, characterName: String = "")
fun simCharGetBonePose(boneName: String, characterName: String = ""): Pose
fun simCharResetBonePose(boneName: String, characterName: String = "")
fun simCharSetFacePreset(presetName: String, value: Float, characterName: String = "")
fun simSetFacePresets(presets: Map<String, Float>, characterName: String = "")
fun simSetBonePoses(poses: Map<String, Pose>, characterName: String = "")
fun simGetBonePoses(boneNames: Array<String>, characterName: String = "")


fun setCarControls(controls: CarControls, vehicleName: String = "")
fun getCarState(vehicleName: String = ""): CarState

Multirotor (drones)

fun takeoffAsync(timeoutSec: Float = 20f, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun landAsync(timeoutSec: Float = 60f, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun goHomeAsync(timeoutSec: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>

fun moveByAngleZAzync(pitch: Float, roll: Float, z: Float, yaw: Float, duration: Float, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveByAngleThrottleAsync(pitch: Float, roll: Float, z: Float, yaw: Float, duration: Float, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveByVelocityAsync(vx: Float, vy: Float, vz: Float, duration: Float,
                        drivetrainType: DrivetrainType = DrivetrainType.MAX_DEGREE_OF_FREEDOM,
                        yawMode: YawMode = YawMode(), vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveByVelocityZAsync(vx: Float, vy: Float, z: Float, duration: Float,
                         drivetrain: DrivetrainType = DrivetrainType.MAX_DEGREE_OF_FREEDOM, yawMode: YawMode = YawMode(),
                         vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveOnPathAsync(path: Array<Vector3r>, velocity: Float, timeoutSec: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE,
                    drivetrainType: DrivetrainType = DrivetrainType.MAX_DEGREE_OF_FREEDOM, yawMode: YawMode = YawMode(),
                    lookahead: Float = -1f, adaptiveLookahead: Float = -1f, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveToPositionAsync(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, velocity: Float, timeoutSec: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE,
                        drivetrainType: DrivetrainType = DrivetrainType.MAX_DEGREE_OF_FREEDOM, yawMode: YawMode = YawMode(),
                        lookahead: Float = -1f, adaptiveLookahead: Float = -1f, vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveToZAsync(z: Float, velocity: Float, timeoutSec: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE,
                 drivetrainType: DrivetrainType = DrivetrainType.MAX_DEGREE_OF_FREEDOM, yawMode: YawMode = YawMode(),
                 vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun moveByManualAsync(vxMax: Float, vyMax: Float, zMin: Float, duration: Float,
                      drivetrainType: DrivetrainType = DrivetrainType.MAX_DEGREE_OF_FREEDOM, yawMode: YawMode = YawMode(),
                      vehicleName: String = ""): Future<Void>
fun rotateToYawAsync(yaw: Float, timeoutSec: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE, margin: Float = 5.0f, vehicleName: String = "")
fun rotateByYawRateAsync(yawRate: Float, duration: Float, vehicleName: String = "")
fun hoverAsync(vehicleName: String): Future<Void>

fun moveByRc(rcData: RcData, vehicleName: String = "")

fun getMultirotorState(vehicleName: String = ""): MultirotorState

fun setSafety(enableReasons: SafetyViolationType, obsClearance: Float, obsStrategy: ObsAvoidanceStrategy,
              obsAvoidanceVel: Float, origin: Vector3r, xyLength: Float, maxZ: Float, minZ: Float,
              vehicleName: String = "")