
Live-coding Blender with Hy(lang)

Primary LanguagePython

The future is here

I decided to experiment with embedding V8 into Blender and my current goal is to bring full ClojureScript support to Blender.

Please follow that work in darwin/blender-clojure project.

Live-coding Blender with Hylang.

Quick screencast of Live-coding Blender with Hylang

Running it

Tested under macOS, should work under Linux as well.

# note: this is probably not needed under macOS if you put Blender to /Applications/Blender.app 
# a pro tip: it is convenient to use direnv for this
export HYLC_BLENDER_PATH="/path/to/your/blender"
export HYLC_BLENDER_PYTHON_PATH="/path/to/your/blender/and/its/python"
  • Run ./scripts/install-deps.sh to install the Hy-lang dependencies in a place where Blender's internal Python can find them.
  • Run ./scripts/blender.sh examples/one-hundred-cubes.hy to start Blender watching one-hundred-cubes.hy and re-loading it whenever it changes.

Connecting via nREPL

First you have to enable it via env:

export HYLC_NREPL=1

Then running blender.sh should display nREPL server listening on ('', 1337), see below:

> ./scripts/blender.sh examples/one-hundred-cubes.hy
+ exec /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender assets/blank.blend --python /Users/darwin/lab/blender-hylang-live-code/src/watcher/main.py
Read prefs: /Users/darwin/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/config/userpref.blend
found bundled python: /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/2.82/python
Read blend: /Users/darwin/lab/blender-hylang-live-code/assets/blank.blend

==== hylc watcher =====
hy 0.18.0 using CPython(default) 3.7.4 on Darwin in Blender 2.82 (sub 7)
nREPL server listening on ('', 1337)

Watching '/Users/darwin/lab/blender-hylang-live-code/examples/one-hundred-cubes.hy' for changes and re-loading.
Reloading '/Users/darwin/lab/blender-hylang-live-code/examples/one-hundred-cubes.hy'
Info: Deleted 0 object(s)
Done executing '/Users/darwin/lab/blender-hylang-live-code/examples/one-hundred-cubes.hy'

Then in another terminal session you can try to connect with lein repl and eval something:

> lein repl :connect 1337
Connecting to nREPL at
HyREPL: hy 0.18.0 using CPython(default) 3.7.4 on Darwin in Blender 2.82 (sub 7)

Hy=> (+ 1 2)

My goal is to make this work with Cursive's remote nREPL support. Basic stuff works, but it needs more polish.

A sneak peek