• 👋 Hi there, I’m Darwin
  • 👀 I’m interested in Machine Learning
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning all about Machine Learning

Keep In Touch With Me

✔️ I'm currently open for every opportunity! Interested in working with me? Or just wanna say hi? I’d love to hear you about that. darwindraa@gmail.com


  • Machine Learning

    • Speech Emotion Recognition
      Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) has been under the scrutiny of researchers for many years. The emotion recognition system through speech is the ability to identify the type of emotion from a human speech to create a natural interaction between humans and machines (computers). This project uses the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) feature extraction method with orders of 3, 8, and 16. Then the classification method used is the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method.
    • Acnetect (Collaboration Project)
      This project is a collaborative project with the aim of creating a mobile application named Acnetect. The function of this application is to detect the type of acne through camera capture, then this application will provide results of the type of acne as well as provide recommendations for the right treatment of each acne. In this project I am responsible for creating a Machine Learning model for this application.
    • Next Project (Soon...)
  • Coursework
    Here are some Machine Learning projects I worked on while I was in college.

If you liked what you saw, want to have a chat with me about the portfolio, work opportunities, or collaboration, shoot an email at darwindraa@gmail.com
Thank You ❤️