Mining Google Maps data for manipulation and plotting in R

Matthew Malishev1*

1 Department of Biology, Emory University, 1510 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA, USA, 30322
*Corresponding author: matthew.malishev [at]


  • R 3.5.0
  • RStudio 1.1.453

This document converts .json Google Maps data into useable R data for mining and plotting with ggmap and related packages. It also has links to obtaining Google API keys for using Google-protected data.

See it in action.

File extensions:
.Rmd .Rproj

🐷 Troubleshooting 🐷

If problems persist, feel free to contact me at matthew.malishev [at]

For Mac OSX > 10 (El Capitan)

1️⃣ Converting .json to .csv:

2️⃣ Troubleshooting with ggmap package installation

3️⃣ For installing .Rdb files when encountering fetch(key) : lazy-load database error

4️⃣ Getting OVER QUERY LIMIT after one request with geocode error

5️⃣ Error: map grabbing failed - see details in ?get_openstreetmap when using osm source in getmap()

6️⃣ Applying get_map functions

7️⃣ Unexpected character 'L' error when reading in .json file for fromJSON function in rjson package