Webscraping with R

Matthew Malishev1*

1 Department of Biology, Emory University, 1510 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA, USA, 30322
*Corresponding author: matthew.malishev@gmail.com

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This document outlines useful tools for webscraping with R, including how to use xpaths, navigating XML and JSON, and useful R packages.

Initial steps

  1. Search CRAN for packages that access the API for the site for webscraping, e.g. search 'Spotify' for Rspotify package.
  2. Use rvest or rjson to scrape.
  3. Use regex functions to parse text blocks.

Selecting individual webpage elements

xpath finder: webpage plugin to isolate HTML elements, e.g. tables on webpage and turn them into XML. Once passed to R, packages like rvest scrape only that XML element.

Use tidytext in R to parse and clean scraped text.


  1. Use Google API to get geocode values from webpage.
  2. Run xpath expression to isolate the geocode values e.g "XML parse" function.


Search pubmed in R package on CRAN.
Use the HTML element web app to find which HTML elements of the page you want to scrape, e.g. = link.
To scrape the pure text of i.e. just abstract text without the author and affiliation text lines, but across multiple web pages, use the XML search home page to search for and apply an xpath term, e.g. 'abstracttextonly'.

How to programmatically bypass the 'Show more results' button on webpages

  1. Use RSelenium package.
  2. Find the HTML element on the webpage for the 'Show More' button and access this XML path using the package.


Webscraping with R, Steve Pittard


Matt Malishev
🔍 Website
🐦 @darwinanddavis
📧 matthew.malishev [at] gmail.com