
backend application for the certify-me POC

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Certifyme (backend)

backend application for the certify me POC


  • npm install

run the application (please make sure the environment variables and further configuration are taken care of)

the application runs on PM2, the following list of commands are available

  • npm start this will start the application
  • npm run restart this will restart the application
  • npm run stop this will stop the application
  • npm run show this will show the current status of the application
  • npm run logs this will show the logs for the application press ctrl + c to exist this command
  • npm run monitor this will open a window where you can monitor the application press ctrl + c to exist this command
  • npm run list this will list the applications you have running

make sure environment variables are configured

  • refer to file .env_ex

  • example:

    • DB_HOST=
    • DB_USERNAME=superuser
    • DB_PASSWORD=supersecret
    • DB_PORT=8080
    • DB_NAME=mydatabase
    • DB_DIALECT=mssql | mysql | PostgreSQL

for more information on available dialects, check Sequelize

  • NOTE
  • if you need mysql,
  • you need to also install mysql2 package

API documentation

  • api example
  • path to the docs: /api-docs
  • depending on where you are hosting your app, two schemes are provided http and https
  • before working on the checking the documentation, please make sure you update host property and port
  • file /configuration/swagger.json
  • i.e
    • "host": "nodejs-raven125.c9users.io:8080"
    • "host": "localhost:3000"
    • "host": ""

Dummy data

  • if you need to create (dummy) data, you have the following command available
  • keep in mind this will completely delete the tables along with the information
  • npm run seed
  • this will generate
    • 15 random users
    • associations between such users
    • 12 random certifications

Rebase content

If you need to delete existing data so you can start adding your own, the following command is available this will delete (and recreate) the existing tables but will NOT add content to them

  • npm run rebase