
VR rat brain atlas viewer demo

AtlasXR demo (only 2 structures included)

Click here to run: https://darwinjob.github.io/xrviewer/xrviewer.html entervr

Attempt to bring back https://www.nesys.uio.no/Atlas3D/ with "Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley Rat Brain" meshes in VR using three.js. Under development.

How can I play with it?

You need a VR headset and a modern browser. The current version is successfully tested with Steam, Firefox and the first generation HTC Vive (including the controllers). You will have to adjust Firefox setting like this: image

Is this fun/useful?

Not that much at the moment. This is mainly a proof of concept - like Atlas3D was for the anchoring procedures at its time https://www.frontiersin.org/10.3389/conf.neuro.11.2008.01.052/event_abstract But you surely can grab and move brain structures using the controllers :) 20230306170626_1_vr 20230306170630_1_vr 20230306170723_1_vr

What's next?

Adding all the structures, optimization (switching to another data format)