- The API URL is returning unknown coordinates. Once you open the map, it will all pointed to the ocean. Also, pagination is not possible base on the API url
Given API URL {https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users}
In developing this application, the primary technologies and libraries are used:
- Kotlin - The primary programming language used.
- MVVMi Architecture - You can read more about this architecture in this article
- RxJava/RxKotlin/RxAndroid - For implementing a reactive approach of the application
- Retrofit2 & OkHTTP3 - For HTTP calls and consuming web services
- Realm Database - For local persistence and caching of data.
- HILT - For dependency injection
- Glide - For fast image loading
- Timber - For logging mechanism
- Repository Pattern - For data management of Source of Truth with a local caching mechanism.
- Android Architecture Component - LiveData, LifeCycle, ViewModel, DataBinding
- Log in
- Display and Selection of Country
- List of Users
- Show users in Map
Username: juancruz Password: pass1234
Username: johndoe Password: pass4321