
Build a yield strategy with Tribe Turbo and ERC-4626

Primary LanguageSolidity

Flat Perp

Democratized access to flat power perps via a composable, tokenized vault standard.

How it works

Flat Perp alternates between two different Power Perp strategies!

Vault States

  • Vault is below 6.9 ETH: Funds go into the Euler strategy
  • Vault is above 6.9 ETH: Funds go into the Power strategy

Euler Vault

(Deposit ETH -> Borrow oSQTH -> Short oSQTH)

Power Vault

(Withdraw ETH -> Swap to oSQTH -> Repay oSQTH Loan -> Take out ETH Profit)

Getting started

  1. Git clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/fei-protocol/ethAmsterdam-getting-started.git
  2. Install Forge and contract dependencies: git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Install developer dependencies: npm install
  4. Compile contracts: forge build
  5. Run tests by forking mainnet: API_KEY=0x123 forge test --fork-url https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/$API_KEY


Forge installed. To install:

  1. curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
  2. foundryup


FlatPerp is built on top of three products: ERC4626, Squeeth & Euler!


A new standard for Tokenized vaults. It represents a strategy which is itself also tokenised



ABIs and Mainnet addresses

Commonly required ABIs and mainnet addresses, for use when creating Hardhat based hacks, are available in the protocolArtifacts/ dir.