
Code example for people who are seeking for circular or radius-support imageview [very simple implementation and have no plan for maintenance. Feel free to use if its useful for you.]

Primary LanguageKotlin


Code example for people who are seeking for circular or radius-support imageview

[very simple implementation and have no plan for maintenance. Feel free to use if its useful for you.]

Simple usage:

  1. Copy file into your project
  2. Use it in your xml layout, replace imageview with this circular image view
  3. (optional) if you want to set radius and border type (say, circular or radius), in your code you may follow this:
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ListingRvVerticalCellVH, position: Int) {
        val isOdd = position % 2 != 0
        if (isOdd) {
            // for odd item, icon shows circular
            holder.view.imgAppIcon.borderType = BorderType.Circular
        } else {
            // for even item, icon shows 20f radius
            holder.view.imgAppIcon.borderType = BorderType.Radius
            holder.view.imgAppIcon.radius = 20f
        holder.onBindView(holder.itemView, dataset[position])

This is a simple implementation demo usage in recyclerview.