
Primary LanguageTypeScript

  1. Setup:
  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Clone:

$ cd ~/repos/
$ git@github.com:YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/game-starter.git
  1. Run typescript continuous compilation:
$ cd ~/repos/game-starter/
$ tsc -w
  1. Run the server:
$ cd ~/repos/game-starter/docs
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4321
  1. Visit the webpage:
$ open http://localhost:4321
  1. To build the game:
  • Edit src/main.ts
  • DON'T edit docs/main**.js**, it is automatically generated each time main**.ts** is changed
  • Refresh the localhost:4321 webpage and your changes should show up!
  • If your code has an error, you'll see it in the typescript console window
  1. Save your changes:
$ git add --all .
$ git commit -m "describe your changes here"
$ git push