
BaseURI :

  1. Resource : Library/Addbook.php Method : POST

Input Payload : Json: {

"name":"Learn Appium Automation with Java", "isbn":"bcd", "aisle":"227", "author":"John foe" }

Output Json { "Msg": "successfully added", "ID": "bcd227" }

  1. Resource : /Library/GetBook.php?AuthorName=somename Method : GET

Output Json : Output the array of Json object books with all below details


Name : “bookname” ( String) Isbn : “A2fdsf” (String) Aisle : 32 (Integer)


  1. Resource : Library/GetBook.php?ID=3389 - Method : GET

Output Json : { "book_name": "Selenium automation using Java", "isbn": "a23hd738", "aisle": "1223" }

  1. Resource :/Library/DeleteBook.php Method : POST

Input Payload : Json: {

"ID" : "a23h345122332"

} Output Response : {

msg : book is successfully deleted”
