
Repository to explore solid principles

Primary LanguageJava

🚀 🍮 SOLID Example

Repository to explore the SOLID principles in a simple Java Spring boot project.

🧲 Environment Setup

🛠️ Needed tools

  1. Java 11
  2. Maven

🏃🏻 Application execution

  1. Make sure to download all Needed tools
  2. Clone the repository
  git clone https://github.com/dasalgadoc/solid-example.git
  1. Build up maven project
  mvn dependency:resolve

🧳 Project explanation

This project tries to explore the SOLID principle through a simple Book CRUD Rest API, the project does not apply any infrastructure.

You may go between the branches in this sample repository to emphasize the desired topic.

Single responsibility principle

git checkout 1-srp
git checkout 2-srp

Open-Closed principle

git checkout 1-ocp
git checkout 2-ocp

Liskov substitution principle

git checkout lsp

Interface segregation principle

git checkout isp

Dependency Injection principle

git checkout dip

🍙 Other versions

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