
Re-using schema-registry clients for protobuf support?

leemeichin opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been working with rdkafka-ruby a fair bit lately - the ecosystem for ruby + kafka + schema registry + protobuf is pretty sparse right now. It's a lot better in JVM-land, Python, Go and C#.

avro_turf has the most complete featureset except... avro, not protobuf. And it comes with a Confluent SchemaRegistry client.

May I have permission to use that code to offer the same support for Protobuf serde also? I would love to contribute it as an alternative here except, you don't go looking for a library named after avro to use something else 😅 in fact, it's not so different to the situation with libserdes (optimised for avro...).

Alternatively, is it an option to pull the Confluent Schema Registry client out into a separate gem?

(I also notice it's actually rather simple to implement 😁)

dasch commented

Sure! May I suggest “ProtoTurf”? 😆

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