- 3
a way to improve encoding performance for messages batches when using AvroTurf::Messaging
#206 opened by Diyaa1 - 2
docker-compose setup
#80 opened by casiodk - 2
which parameters to use api-key and secret?
#192 opened by davkim - 1
Add support for initializing AvroTurf::Messaging client with string/in-memory ssl_ca_cert
#191 opened by davkim - 5
AvroTurf::SchemaStore do not follow Avro specification when loading nested schemas
#186 opened by piotaixr - 2
Excon's connect_timeout and dns_timeout
#200 opened by bruno-b-martins - 2
- 4
- 2
- 2
Logical types and as_avro
#176 opened by ananthakumaran - 0
- 1
Intermittent error using Confluent Schema Registry
#163 opened by night91 - 4
- 2
- 1
AWS Glue Schema Repository?
#153 opened by reedstrm - 1
Is it a problem to cache `latest`?
#152 opened by fidelisrafael - 2
SystemStackError: "stack level too deep", when enum stored in a separate .avsc file
#150 opened by opti - 3
Decode only returns the first record.
#145 opened by DbrosIventMobile - 1
Release with ruby 3 support?
#149 opened by bsmith-optoro - 0
Issue deserializing nested schema with a top-level enum.
#141 opened by h4nky - 0
zero length schema cache file
#138 opened by steversmith - 3
avro_turf compatibility questions
#135 opened by ducmtran - 1
Avro::Messaging's fetch_schema(subject: …) can sometimes result in a stale schema
#130 opened by damncabbage - 2
No way to specify URI path to schema registry
#125 opened by matthewi - 4
avro_turf and thread safety
#128 opened by steveburkett - 1
- 3
using local storage vs schema registry
#122 opened by steveburkett - 9
avro_turf fails to work with fixed
#123 opened by steveburkett - 1
New release for ConfluentSchemaRegistry auth fix
#124 opened by andrewthauer - 6
Exposing schema_store and registry of Messaging
#117 opened by toy - 6
Logical data types?
#114 opened by rchady - 4
Better validation error from Messaging#encode
#116 opened by toy - 0
excon gem vulnerability
#113 opened by konfortes - 2
Cache warming
#63 opened by elliotcm - 1
- 4
lazy schema registration is not thread safe
#78 opened by ashu210890 - 1
Testing / Initialize
#87 opened by FrancoisDeBellescize - 1
- 6
- 1
Creating consumer utilizing Schema Registry.
#110 opened by sandipsubedi - 0
- 2
No release since August 2018
#97 opened by purinkle - 3
AvroTypeError while using SchemaRegistry
#90 opened by mcosta91 - 1
compatibility with Avro v1.9.0
#91 opened by tjwp - 2
magic_byte and schema_id
#84 opened by FrancoisDeBellescize - 1
Using explicit key for message
#76 opened by afinne - 3
- 4
- 2
talking to Schema Registry needs local storage
#66 opened by SMR39 - 2