
Wrapper utility for creating NodejsFunctions that come with Powertools

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NodejsWithPowertoolsFunction - CDK Construct

A simple wrapper for the NodejsFunction construct that enables the Powertools Layer.

Getting Started

The construct aims to be a drop-in replacement to the NodejsFunction. The only thing that has to be adjusted is, that the function calls to the NodejsFunction has to be on the property fn from the NodejsWithPowertoolsFunction.

import { NodejsWithPowertoolsFunction } from 'nodejs-with-powertools-function';

class MyStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
    super(scope, id);

    const myFunction = new NodejsWithPowertoolsFunction(this, 'PowertoolsFunction', {
      entry: __dirname + '/my-lambda-function.ts',
      powertoolsVersion: '10',
      powertoolsEnvironmentVariables: {
        POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME: 'my-cool-service'
      new PolicyStatement({
      actions: ['kms:*'],
      resources: ['*'],
      effect: Effect.ALLOW,


To use this construct, the AWS CDK has to be installed.

npm i aws-cdk-lib


To install the construct, just install it with your favorite package manager from the npm registry:

npm i nodejs-with-powertools-function 

Built With

  • projen - The project generation tool


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details