An implementation of the Lox language as described in the book Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom.
- Classes, Functions, Garabage Collection, and Bytecode VM
- Hex Literals, Character Literals, List Data type
Casting functions
- str, num
List functions
- push, pop, len, clear
Hardware funtions:
- joystick, readChar, readLine
- cls, ticks, sleep
- peek8, peek16, peek32
- poke8, poke16, poke32
Math functions
- ceil, floor, round, abs, pow, exp
- log, log10, log2, sqrt, sin, cos,tan
- asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, rand
This project requires the Calypsi cc68k compiler and Make. A Mac OS, Linux, or WSL for Windows environment is recommended.