
Ajax Breakout lecture repo for Grasshoppers August 4

Primary LanguageRuby

##AJAX Breakout

  • AJAX, short for asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a group of interrelated Web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous Web applications.

  • Without AJAX Alt text

  • With AJAX Alt text

####Things you will learn today

  • A very basic AJAX concept
  • Steps to do a basic AJAX call
  • Don't worry if you cannot follow thru today, you will learn from your teacher(s) again and you can always refer to this readme again.

####Seven Steps:

  1. Trigger the event
  • on click of a button
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){

  1. Stop the default event
  • Prevent traditional get/post/put/delete request
  • For example, if Facebook like button will not refresh the whole page, instead, it prevent default and go into the AJAX process.
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){
  1. Send the request
  • Use AJAX to send request to the server from the client.
  • Hitting the GET/POST route without refreshing the page.
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){
  1. Receive the request on the server (process the request)
  • Server sends response to AJAX.
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){

    url:      url,      // Which Sinatra route to hit
    method:   method,   // GET/POST/PUT/DELETE, to specify the route you are hitting.
    data:     data,     // Data being sent to the route, if it's a GET route, we don't need this, because we are not sending in any data.
    dataType  "json"    // dataType expected from server
  1. Send back the response to the client
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){

  var request = $.ajax({
    url:      url,      // Which Sinatra route to hit
    method:   method,   // GET/POST/PUT/DELETE, to specify the route you are hitting.
    data:     data,     // Data being sent to the route, if it's a GET route, we don't need this, because we are not sending in any data.
    dataType  "json"    // dataType expected from server


   console.log("Failed, FIX IT!")
  1. Interpret response with javascript
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){

  var request = $.ajax({
    url:      url,      // Which Sinatra route to hit
    method:   method,   // GET/POST/PUT/DELETE, to specify the route you are hitting.
    data:     data,     // Data being sent to the route, if it's a GET route, we don't need this, because we are not sending in any data.
    dataType  "json"    // dataType expected from server

    console.log(responseData); // You can see the responseData in console to decide how you want to maniplate the DOM

   console.log("Failed, FIX IT!")
  1. Change the dom
$("#eyed").on("click", function(e){

  var request = $.ajax({
    url:      url,      // Which Sinatra route to hit
    method:   method,   // GET/POST/PUT/DELETE, to specify the route you are hitting.
    data:     data,     // Data being sent to the route, if it's a GET route, we don't need this, because we are not sending in any data.
    dataType  "json"    // dataType expected from server

    console.log(responseData); // You can see the responseData in console to decide how you want to maniplate the DOM
    $('eyed').innerHTML(responseData);   // Depends on how you want to manuiplate the DOM

   console.log("Failed, FIX IT!")