
Shed some light on your app & couchbase server

Primary LanguageRust

Couchbase Inspector

Various tools to help you figure out whats going on between your app and Couchbase Server. Work in progress, it will eat your laundry.


The only thing that really works for now is sniffing N1QL queries from the Java SDK to a Couchbase Server running on localhost.


You need to have rust installed, use rustup if you haven't.

Also, make sure libpcap is available.

$ git clone https://github.com/daschl/couchbase-inspector.git
$ cd couchbase-inspector

Build the binary.

$ cargo build --release

Run the binary. Make sure it points to the right interface and also you might need to use sudo since you are sniffing on interfaces.

I got this java code running to fire some queries:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    CouchbaseCluster cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create();
    Bucket bucket = cluster.openBucket("beer-sample");
    Random rand = new Random();
    while(true) {
        bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple("SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT " + rand.nextInt(1000)));

And running it looks like this:

$ sudo target/release/couchbase-inspector -i lo0
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 927","timeout":"75000ms"} took 11ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 595","timeout":"75000ms"} took 11ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 93","timeout":"75000ms"} took 9ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 924","timeout":"75000ms"} took 9ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 474","timeout":"75000ms"} took 10ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 940","timeout":"75000ms"} took 10ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 767","timeout":"75000ms"} took 9ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 671","timeout":"75000ms"} took 10ms
{"statement":"SELECT * FROM `beer-sample` LIMIT 430","timeout":"75000ms"} took 11ms