
Resample Vectors and DataFrames to different resolutions

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


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This is a small utility package for resampling Vectors and Tables to new indices, e.g. a new time resolution.


julia> ]

pkg> add https://github.com/daschw/Resample.jl


using Resample

resample(vec::AbstractVector, org_inds, new_inds, method = Mean())
resample(vec::AbstractVector, org_inds, step, method = Mean())

resample(table, index_col, new_inds, methods = Mean())
resample(table, index_col, step, methods = Mean())

Currently implemented methods are Mean(), Sum(), First() and None() (to ignore columns in a Table).


Suppose we have some dummy data for energy and power profiles in a 5 minute resolution.

using Dates

times_long = DateTime(2019):Minute(5):DateTime(2019, 1, 31, 23, 55)
times_short = DateTime(2019):Hour(1):DateTime(2019, 1, 31, 23)

power_long = rand(length(times_long))
energy_long = power_long / 12

We can resample the data to the times_short resolution.

using Resample

power_short = resample(power_long, times_long, times_short)
energy_short = resample(energy_long, times_long, times_short, Sum())

With Plots we can illustrate the results.

using Plots
plot(times_long, power_long, label = "5 min", st = :step)
plot!(times_short, power_short, label = "1 h", st = :step)

plot(times_long, cumsum(energy_long), label = "5 min", st = :step)
plot!(times_short, cumsum(energy_short), label = "1 h", st = :step)

Instead of a vector of new indices a step length can be provided as well.

power_short_step = resample(power_long, org_inds, Hour(1))
power_short_step == power_short


Suppose we have our data in a DataFrame.

using DataFrames

df = DataFrame(Time = times_long, Power = power_long, Energy = energy_long)

We can resample df by selecting the index column and specifying the methods for the remaining columns.

df1 = resample(df, :Time, Hour(1), [Mean(), Sum()])

If we want to ignore columns of the DataFrame for resampling we can pass the None() method.

df.Label = rand('a':'c', length(times_long))

df2 = resample(df, :Time, Hour(1); Energy = Sum(), Label = None())
df1 == df2

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