A perl script and tex files to create bills for the German tax office from Apple's financial reports.
- andepopande
- anfalas
- arnoappenzeller
- BabelfischLingo4you
- benboecker@palasthotel
- Der-EddyGermany
- displaynEarth
- DivineDominion@Zettelkasten-Method
- EduardAntonHamburg
- eimann@rrbone
- erikmfe
- fedoco
- ff6347@hbk-bs
- florianreinhartGermany
- HealsCodes
- jk@milchundzucker
- JohannesRudolph@meshcloud
- kornhammer247Grad Labs GmbH
- leberwurstsaftDresden, Germany
- Morpheus2002
- obrhoffBerlin
- osiggePinky Bains
- overheadhunter@cryptomator
- patrickwelkerBerlin
- paulheyerLiestal / Basel, Switzerland
- phaufe
- puzichHamburg
- QuatschSalatGermany
- ricardopereira@whitesmith
- tibrDüsseldorf, Germany
- timpulverFreelance
- tiptronicBad Bevensen, Germany
- tjosten@DropshareApp
- tjureMunich
- twamGermany
- YUlteriorIndia