AI Programming in Lisp

This repository contains some example code and notes written for the book "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Case Studies in Common Lisp".

Run CommonLisp on OS X

Install SBCL

brew install sbcl

Run Lisp REPL

rlwrap sbcl

rlwrap is used so that the arrow keys can be interpreted correctly.

Run a lisp file with SBCL

There are 2 ways to run a lisp file:

  1. Add shabang #!/usr/bin/env sbcl --scrpit and chmod +x <lisp-file-name>
  2. sbcl --script <lisp-file-name>

Load a lisp file and start REPL

  1. rlwrap sbcl --load <lisp-file-name>

The testing framework

A testing framework (implemented in run-tests.lisp) is developed for testing the example code in the book and the code for the exercises. There is a bash script run in every chapter folder, which is a symbolic link to

To use the testing framework, type following commands:

cd <chapter-folder>
./run example
./run exercise
./run # run both example and exercise tests