
Sample employee APIs app with Helm Charts

Primary LanguageJava

Sample App for Helm Charts

This is sample springboot app have inbuilt H2 database and sample employee data, with REST API's exposed.


Go to Docker Desktop Settings -> General -> Enable Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS option

Go to Docker Desktop Settings -> Kubernetes -> Select Enable Kubernetes option and click on Apply & Restart button.

Install kubectl and Helm 3.x

1 - Git Clone Repo, Maven & Docker Build

Use Git clone command to clone the git repo and mvn command to build sample app.

Before the 2nd maven build, update "EmployeeController.java" file...

git clone https://github.com/chanderkant7/employee-apis-helm.git
cd employee-apis-helm
mvn clean install
docker build -t employee-apis:v1 .

mvn clean install
docker build -t employee-apis:v2 .

2 - Create Helm Chart and install

Please update values.yaml to match your sample app configuration

# skip this command as it's already created in the git repo
# it'll create helm chart folder structure for you
helm create emp-helm-charts

# Helm install
# dry run
helm template emp-helm-charts # you'll see the actual yaml files
helm install helm-release emp-helm-charts
helm list
helm history helm-release
kubectl get pod
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080

# with Helm Upgrade to revision 2 
# update values.yaml to change the docker image tag to v2
# tag: "v2"

helm upgrade helm-release emp-helm-charts
helm list
helm history helm-release
kubectl get pod
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080

# with Helm Rollback to revision 1
helm rollback helm-release 1
helm list
helm history helm-release
kubectl get pod
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080

# finally unistall the deployment
helm uninstall helm-release

3 - Helm Repo

helm repo list
helm repo add $name $uri
helm repo add jenkins https://charts.jenkins.io
helm repo update
# supply your values.yaml as argument to customize it
helm install jenkins jenkins/jenkins # -f values.yaml
# search repo
helm search repo jenkins
# package your local chart and create tar file, later you can push it to Git Repo or Artifactory
helm package emp-helm-charts

Happy Helming!