
My solutions to various daily programmer challenges

Primary LanguageRust

These are my solutions to various r/dailyprogrammer challenges.
These are not done in any order, they are just challenges I decide are interesting enough to commit time to solving.

The language I use for these solutions is Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/ | https://reddit.com/r/rust

https://reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer for challenges

disclaimer: at the time of writing this, I am still learning rust. Solutions will almost definitely not be the most optimal. The goal of solving these is to improve my skills :)
disclaimer 2: I prefer embedding the input files (if any) in the binaries using the include_str! macro, as it's the simplest way to avoid boilerplate and get straight to programming the solution. I am aware that this is generally not a good practice with larger inputs, as it corresponds directly to binary size. That is outside the scope of these solutions, so deal with it