- 0
Queurying topology can result in an exit if ets config store has not been initialized
#349 opened by starbelly - 5
Configurable Topology config storage
#342 opened by chasers - 3
GenStage 1.2.0 breaks tests
#340 opened by whatyouhide - 2
Batcher Concurrency based on batcher_key
#337 opened by OctopusRage - 0
#336 opened by OctopusRage - 11
Add `terminate/3` callback
#319 opened by type1fool - 2
`handle_message` timeout
#335 opened by acco - 0
Issues using Broadway with DynamicSupervisor
#332 opened by themusicman - 3
Request for MQTT support in Elixir Broadway
#330 opened by Enuzo - 5
Allow support for Nimble Options 1.0
#322 opened by aselder - 3
Use Broadway for stream processing
#264 opened by benkeil - 3
Oban producer
#320 opened by joevandyk - 8
Resize broadway pipeline
#228 opened by fcevado - 1
Broadway v1.0.4 Broadway.NoopAcknowledger returns NoopAcknowledger instead of Broadway.NoopAcknowledger
#315 opened by seantanly - 11
Byte size batching
#255 opened by cleaton - 3
Dialyzer error on ack_immediately/1
#314 opened by mortont - 4
Expected Behavior on Startup?
#311 opened by zbruhnke - 3
- 2
- 2
Disable automatic call to handle_batch/4
#305 opened by rogerweb - 0
- 3
- 7
NoopAcknowledger fails with ack key being set
#302 opened by LostKobrakai - 6
- 1
How to stop a Broadway Kafka pipeline?
#292 opened by aravindanck - 1
[Question] how am i able to update a message in handle_failed and send to another batcher?
#284 opened by mattmartian - 2
Allow use of nimble_options 0.4.0
#283 opened by cliftonmcintosh - 1
Possibility to update Pipeline :context ?
#282 opened by ifoo - 3
1->n message processing
#280 opened by ilgarm - 1
- 2
Support hot-reloads to scale stages
#279 opened - 2
Pipeline design
#278 opened by samuelmanzanera - 2
- 1
test_batch function not accepting pid
#273 opened by atomkirk - 1
Request for 1.0.1 Release
#272 opened by robertkeizer - 16
The intention of random subscription in Subscriber does not work as expected
#269 opened by kenspirit - 9
Unable to checkout db connection for Broadway
#218 opened by michaelst - 5
Multiple Pipelines
#265 opened by benkeil - 3
- 0
Broadway.all_running returns an error when Named (via_tuple) Broadway pipeline
#252 opened by gabrielmancini - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
Let the Producer shut down the pipeline
#242 opened by acco - 8
Using via_tuple as `name`
#236 opened by acco - 3
Add Broadway.stop
#215 opened by josevalim - 1
- 1
Pipeline specific Ack
#227 opened by Hajto - 2
- 1
Telemetry events for producers?
#221 opened by samullen