
Cron scripts that report metric data to Amazon CloudWatch

Primary LanguagePerl


Cron scripts that report metric data to Amazon CloudWatch

These scripts are meant to be run by cron on ec2 servers every 5 minutes.


Use the varnish-aws-logger.py to report varnishstat data to Amazon. Rolls into the 'Varnish' namespace and associates the metrics with the instance id of the machine it's run on.

Look at the settings.py file to configure what metrics you want sent to AWS.


Use the nginx-aws-logger.py to report nginx status data to Amazon. Rolls into the 'Nginx' namespace and associates the metrics with the instance id of the machine it's run on.

You have to make sure you have the following in your nginx config:

server {

	location /nginx_status {
		# copied from http://blog.kovyrin.net/2006/04/29/monitoring-nginx-with-rrdtool/
		stub_status on;
		access_log   off;
		deny all;


Deployment is handled through Fabric. Do not save server information in the fabfile!

To setup a new server:

fab setup -H ec2-x-x-x-x.compute-x.amazonaws.com -u myusername

To update these scripts on a server:

fab update -H ec2-x-x-x-x.compute-x.amazonaws.com -u myusername

To install the crontab on a server:

fab install_cron:crontab-na-varnish -H ec2-x-x-x-x.compute-x.amazonaws.com -u myusername

For the install_cron command, you need to create a crontab-creds file. Copy the crontab-creds.example to crontab-creds and fill in the AWS values. The install_cron command takes an argument which is the name of the crontab file to install from the root of this repo.


You can automatically create alarms for a ec2 instance by using the setup_alarms.py script. If the script is run on an ec2 instance, it will automatically detect and use it's own instance id. You can optionally pass an instance id as the first parameter.

The setup_alarms.py script will look for an ALARMS variable in the alarm_config.py file. The script will attempt to create all alarms that are described in this config for one EC2 instance. If the metric described in one of the alarms is not available for this EC2 instance, that alarm will be skipped. The script will overwrite any alarms with the same name. This way if you change the alarm config and run the script, it will update the alarm in CloudWatch.

Use the setup_alarms fab command to run the script on a server:

fab setup_alarms -H ec2-x-x-x-x.compute-x.amazonaws.com -u myusername