
Scripts to install a Dash Full Node on Ubuntu and Raspbian.

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Use https://webinstall.dev/dashd/.

Original: dashd-installer.sh

dashd-installer.sh | dash-insight-installer.sh

This script installs a dash full node on Debian based systems such as Ubuntu (i.e. on Digital Ocean) and Raspbian (i.e. on Raspberry Pi)

This installs the following components to /opt/dashpay:


How to Install a Dash Masternode the Quick'n'Easy Way

The HARD way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEIDRVZjd4A&list=PLZaEVINf2Bq-8_NQf3RigTV9FSHLDwrof


This is the no-hassle automatic installation. If you're interested in the details of the process and want to learn more either read the source or check out this article: https://github.com/dashhive/dashd-installer.sh/blob/master/BLOG.md

git clone https://github.com/dashhive/dashd-installer.sh.git
pushd ./dashd-installer.sh/
bash install.sh

Everything for dashd installs to /opt/dashpay:



rm -rf /opt/dashpay; userdel -r dash; groupdel dash; rm -f /etc/systemd/system/dashd.service


The configs can be edited at:


daemon control

dashd can be restarted with systemctl:

systemctl restart dashd

You can see the logs with journalctl:

journalctl -xefu dashd

You can disable and enable dashd loading on startup:

systemctl enable dashd
systemctl disable dashd

Manual daemon control

/opt/dashpay/bin/dashd -daemon -conf=/opt/dashpay/etc/dash.conf -datadir=/opt/dashpay/var

Setting rpc auth


rpcpass=something random


Based on https://medium.com/@obusco/setup-instant-send-transaction-the-comprehensive-way-a80a8a0572e and http://raspnode.com/diyBitcoin.html


Raspberry Pi

If you're running this on an ARM device there may be issues that cause the process to die several times.

It may be best to manually go through the steps in the install script and just rerun any compile step that fails. Run it enough times and it will work eventually.

I know that sounds random and computers shouldn't be random, but I think there may be either a bug in GCC or, perhaps more likely, a problem in the CPU or RAM on some of these ARM devices.

configure: error: libdb_cxx headers missin




checking for Berkeley DB C++ headers... no
configure: error: libdb_cxx headers missing, Dash Core requires this library for wallet functionality (--disable-wallet to disable wallet functionality)


sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y --allow-unauthenticated

Or, if that fails:

wget http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
pushd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
  ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-cxx
  make -j4
  sudo make install

  sudo bash -c 'echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/db-4.8.30.conf'
  sudo ldconfig

configure: error: No working boost sleep implementation found.




checking for mismatched boost c++11 scoped enums... ok
configure: error: No working boost sleep implementation found.


sudo apt install -y libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev

Error: Failed to load masternode cache


Error: Failed to load masternode cache from /opt/dashpay/var/mncache.dat


You've probably run out of disk space.

# assuming -datadir=/opt/dashpay/var/
rm /opt/dashpay/var/debug.log

You'll need to delete the caches:

# rm /opt/dashpay/var/{banlist.dat,fee_estimates.dat,governance.dat,mncache.dat,mnpayments.dat,netfulfilled.dat,peers.dat}

pushd /opt/dashpay/var/
  rm banlist.dat
  rm fee_estimates.dat
  rm governance.dat
  rm mncache.dat
  rm mnpayments.dat
  rm netfulfilled.dat
  rm peers.dat



Starts and then dies with no explanation.

It may think it's still running... ?


In at least one case all I had to do was delete the lock and pid files:

rm .lock dashd.pid

ZMQ connection delay


[2017-12-12T11:39:04.523Z] warn: ZMQ connection delay: tcp://
netcat -v localhost 28332
# Connection refused


You can know for sure that the

grep -r 'ENABLE_ZMQ' /opt/dashpay/src/dash/config.log

If you see #define ENABLE_ZMQ 0 instead of #define ENABLE_ZMQ 1, then you definitely don't have ZMQ support compiled in.


You should use --prefix=/opt/dashpay (or --prefix=/opt/bitpay or --prefix=/usr/local or whatever) when compiling libsodium, libzmq3, and then again when compiling bitcore/dashd itself.

./configure --prefix=/opt/dashpay