
Full-stack web development with MongoDB, Express, Aurelia and Node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT

Full-stack web development with MongoDB, Express, Aurelia and Node

Also contains a simple authentication made with PassportJS

The base project is 'contact-manager' made with "Get Started" tutorial by Aurelia.


  • This is a work in progress project, not recommended to be run at production


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • MongoDB (You can get a 500mb free tier at https://mlab.com)
  • Gulp
  • Aurelia-CLI

Get Started

  • Make sure you have NodeJS installed
  • Make sure you have an instance of MongoDB active and running
  • Make sure you have gulp installed globally:
npm install gulp-cli -g
  • Make sure you have Aurelia-CLI installed globally:
npm install aurelia-cli -g
  • Download or clone this repository
  • Enter in the 'server' directory and run:
npm install
  • Enter in the 'client' directory and run:
npm install
  • Put your MongoDB connection string in the file: server/settings/database.js
  • After all dependencies are installed and your MongoBD string connection is set, enter in 'client' directory and run:
  • Now you can access the local website:
  • All changes to client *.ts (TypeScript) files will be listen, so you just need to wait to aurelia rebuild the bundles and reload your page


  • Everytime your server is started, you are prompted to enter your credentials
  • You can register a new user at:
  • You can sign out at:
  • Note that this authentication system uses PassportJS, with a simple local strategy using username/password and saving at MongoDB with encrypted password.


  • To register a new endpoint you need a model and a controller

  • Adding a model:

    • Navigate to server/models
    • Add a new .js file with your model name, you can use as basis the user or group model already created in this project
    • Using Mongoose schema, map your model properties. (You can find a mongoose tutorial at http://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html)
  • Adding a controller:

    • Navigate to server/controllers
    • Add a new .js file with your controller name. Note that you have to follow this rule for a new controller file name:
    That is if your model has the name 'Employee', your controller name should be EmployeeController.js
    • As you can see in UserController.js present in this project, you must require the model and the base controller, then you can simply export your controller using the BaseController.buildBaseController function
    • That's it. All API routes are automatically created when you restart the project, and then you'll have access to the following routes: (for testing, you may use a program to make the requests, as PostMan or any other you use)
    [GET] localhost:8080/api/ControllerName -> retrieve all registers
    Example: localhost:8080/api/user
    [GET] localhost:8080/api/ControllerName/id -> retrieve a single register based on id
    Example: localhost:8080/api/user/58c454fc43c3c01ca8fb03ff
    [POST] localhost:8080/api/ControllerName -> post a new register using JSON format
    [DELETE] localhost:8080/api/ControllerName -> delete all registers
    [DELETE] localhost:8080/api/ControllerName/id -> delete a single register based on id
  • Note that you can manipulate all this actions, or add new ones, editing the file present in server/arch/RestBuilder.js and server/controllers/BaseController.js
  • Note that these routes are secured, which means you must be authenticated to be able to access them.

Final Considerations

  • As said, this is a work in progress, which means it has many bugs, but it works and shows how to link Aurelia to NodeJS
  • Feel free to contribute, may it be solving bugs, emitting issues or adding new features
  • Enjoy!