
Html-kit is a nodejs build script to give plain html superpowers. It adds:

  • html includes - you can now simply include other HTML files/partials into your index.html
  • html components - each partial can contain css and js which is split out into separate components.css and components.js files. So you can use html, css and js in one file.
  • live preview and hot reload - Html-kit comes with a built-in webserver and automatically reloads every time you make changes

Take a look at src/index.html and src/components.html to see how (simple) it all works.

HTML includes

To include a file:

{{include "components/my-component.html"}}

How to install?

You can download this repo, and use it as the basis for your new project, or you can use Degit to download the files to your current working directory:

npm install -g degit

To run it:

npm install
npm run dev

This will start a dev server at localhost:3000 and will watch your src folder for changes.