
random scripts for collecting, and analyzing metrics for the allocatable rollout

Primary LanguageGo

To build binaries: make build To upload binaries (for use with foreachmaster): make upload To build and upload: make

#BLAZE COMMAND for getting events:
blaze run cloud/kubernetes/tools:foreachmaster -- --db=prod \ --cmd="export BINARY=get_events; curl https://storage.googleapis.com/allocatable/run_binary.sh | sh" \ --shards=10 |& tee /tmp/foreachmaster.log

To process events from the foreachmaster output, and output results into _output/eventStats.csv: ./_output/process_events --path=/tmp/foreachmaster.log

#BLAZE COMMAND for getting allocatable:
blaze run cloud/kubernetes/tools:foreachmaster -- --db=prod \ --cmd="export BINARY=get_allocatable_metrics; curl https://storage.googleapis.com/allocatable/run_binary.sh | sh" \ --shards=10 |& tee /tmp/foreachmaster.log

To process allocatable from the foreachmaster output, and output results into _output/specificClusterStats.csv: ./_output/allocatable_analysis --path=/tmp/foreachmaster.log