
RSS Art Aggregator

Primary LanguagePHP


Seeds provides an RSS aggregator, from multiple blog sources and post styles, with a focus on finding and displaying Art images. While many great RSS feed readers exist, we needed a compact drop-in lib that worked easily. It loads recent blog entries, and is not meant to be used as a permament archive.

It is still undergoing developement, testing and refactoring before it goes live. It is created and maintained by jose d lopez of house TUMIS for use by the Just Seeds art collective. JustSeeds.org


#####Create a MySQL database with these 2 tables.

CREATE TABLE farmers (
  farmer varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  title varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  description text NOT NULL,
  frequency tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
  weight tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (farmer)

  guid varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  farmer varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  link varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  title varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  description text NOT NULL,
  image varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  posted int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  last_retrieved timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  PRIMARY KEY (guid),
  KEY farmer (farmer),
  KEY posted (posted)

#####Enter the Database credentials in app/lib.php

 * MySQL database info
$db = array
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'name' => 'seeds_aggregator',
	'user' => 'root',
	'pass' => 'root'

#####Provide a list of RSS feeds

 * Direct URL to RSS/Atom (xml) feeds of Farmers
$farmers = array

#####Schedule a cronjob at a decent interval Based on the number of blogs, the blog provider, the number of blog posts, and the speed of your server, the script can take 1-5 minutes to run. Determining the primary post image can have a high latency. Results are not cached as updates can occur.

#	cronjob: check/update every 3 hours 
#   0 */3 * * * /usr/local/bin/php ~/app/cron.php >> /dev/null

#####Launch the Posts viewer


#####Retrieve the last 12 posts (returns json)



  • PHP 5.2 (these modules are standard)
    • PDO
    • DOM
    • SimpleXmlElement
  • Apache or Nginx


Seeds uses a few open source libraries on the frontend (all included, license is respective of their owners):

Open Source License

Code is released under the MIT public license. Play at your own risk.