
A collection of the best tutorials on Flutter development from the community


A collection of the best learning materials in the form of video tutorials, articles, blogs and repos for and by the Flutter community.

Flutter Components Examples for Beginners

Tutorial Author/Publisher
Flutter Gallery Flutter Official
Flutter Playground Bhavik Makwana
Basic Widgets Examples Pooja Bhaumik


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Login Animation Tween Animation Link GeekyAnts
Beer menu list-details Hero Animation Link Kevin Armstrong
Animating Charts Tween, Lerp - Mikkel Ravn
Shared Elements Hero Animation Link Diego Velásquez López

Painting and Effect Widgets

Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Tic Tac Toe Custom Paint Link Ihor Klimov
Radial Progress Custom Paint RJSTech
Bezier Curves Clip Path Link Iiro Krankka


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Scroll to Position ScrollController Link Natalie Masse Hooper


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Dynamic Sliver FAB FAB on Sliver AppBar Link Marcin Szalek
Collapsing Toolbar With Vanishing FAB Vanishing FAB on Sliver AppBar Link DeveloperLibs


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Parsing complex JSON in Flutter dart:convert, JSON parsing Link Pooja Bhaumik
Options for deserializing JSON convert, serializer, built-value Link Andrew Brodgon
Future Builder with Pagination FutureBuilder, Pagination Link Coding Infinite


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Form Validation GlobalKeys Link Tensor Programming


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
RefreshIndicator with StreamBuilder Stream Builder Link Nkansah Rexford


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Google Sign in Google OAuth Gonzalo Martin
Faceook Login Facebook Login Link Rohan Taneja
Faceook with Firebase Login Facebook & Firebase Varun Kumar


Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
ML KIt Face Detection ML Kit Link Aseem Wangoo
ML KIt Barcode Scanning ML Kit Link Alfian Losari
ML KIt Text Recognition ML Kit Link Aseem Wangoo
ML KIt Image Labeling ML Kit Link Aseem Wangoo

Native Channels

Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Screenshot attachment in mail Platform channels Link Thiran Tech

Custom Components by Community

Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Range Slider Sliders Link
Flutter Villains Animations Link Norbert Kozsir

Material Design

Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Material Design login page Material UI Vaibhav Khulbe

Flutter UI challenges

Tutorial Topic Github Repo Author/Publisher
Flight Search Animations Link Marcin Szalek
Piano Tiles Game Animations, GestureDetector Link Marcin Szalek

Flutter Snippets

Other blogs