
repo accompanying Skelly et al. (2020) Cell Stem Cell

Primary LanguageR

This is a repo to accompany the manuscript Skelly et al. (2020) Cell Stem Cell

To run the example code, first clone this repository and cd to the figshare_data/ directory. Download the figshare data from https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12233570 and unzip in the figshare_data/ directory.

Next cd to the ../code/ directory, pull the singularity image:

singularity pull library://daskelly/remote-builds/tidyqtl2-r4.0.0:1.0.0

(You may need to log in to singularity using a token with singularity remote login first).

Finally, execute the code

bash run_code_singularity.sh