
Utilities for sampling from BAM files. Focused on 10X CellRanger BAMs.

Primary LanguagePython

Utilities or sampling from BAM files

This repository contains several utilities useful for sampling from BAM files, with a main focus on 10X CellRanger BAMs.

In order to run these scripts we need a container that has python and the pysam package:

$ singularity pull docker://quay.io/biocontainers/pysam:0.17.0--py36h61e5637_0


This is a small utility for dividing a 10X CellRanger BAM into thousands of "mini" BAMs, one for each cell barcode.

Usage instructions for this script:

$ singularity run pysam_0.17.0--py36h61e5637_0.sif python 10x_bam_split_CB.py -h
usage: 10x_bam_split_CB.py [-h] [--verbose]
                           infile.bam barcodes.tsv.gz /path/to/outdir

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit


This is a small utility for randomly sampling an exact number of reads from a BAM file.

Usage instructions for this script:

$ singularity run pysam_0.17.0--py36h61e5637_0.sif python bam_exact_subsample.py -h
usage: bam_exact_subsample.py [-h] [--seed N] infile.bam outfile.bam n_reads

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --seed N    Seed for random read selection

Sample usage of this script. Subsample a random 10 reads from a very small BAM (only 26 reads):

$ singularity run pysam_0.17.0--py36h61e5637_0.sif \
    python bam_exact_subsample.py \
    supermini.bam supermini_10.bam 10