
repo for code to implement private haplotype barcoding

Primary LanguagePython

Private Haplotype Barcoding

This repository contains an example pipeline showing how to implement private haplotype barcoding, as described in Skelly et al. 2017 https://doi.org/10.1101/116582. The data generated in the paper is available through NCBI's Short Read Archive at https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/sra.cgi?study=SRP101897.


The overall steps of the pipeline are:

  • Create a pool genome consisting of all chromosomes of the sequenced individuals who have contributed ancestry to the pool. It is best to use de novo-assembled genomes for this step. However, an alternative approach if de novo-assembled genomes are not available would be to use a VCF of variation to create individualized genomes, and map to them. Examples of tools to do this include Seqnature http://dx.doi.org/10.1534/genetics.114.165886 and g2gtools https://github.com/churchill-lab/g2gtools.
  • Map short reads. You may use any method of mapping reads, but need to eventually end up with a BAM file of reads that map uniquely with high quality.
  • Create a BED file of windows tiling across the genome of each strain contributing ancestry to your pool.
  • For each strain, compute BAM read coverage across these windows.
  • Run the HMM to obtain ancestry probabilities for each window.
  • (If desired) call recombination breakpoints in the genomes of individual offspring.



  • The code here is one example of how this analysis could be carried out.
  • If you are attempting to carry out this pipeline, set the environment variable $PICARD_DIR to the directory where Picard jarfiles are located.
  • Chromosomes in the pooled genome should be named strain.chrom. (This is done in the script combineGenomes.fa below, or you may do it yourself).


An example of using this pipeline. The code below could be run in bash:

(1) Prepare genomes and genomic windows

# Starting with individual genomes ref.fa ind1.fa ind2.fa ... indN.fa
python combineGenomes.fa ref.fa ind*.fa > pool_genome.fa
python phb_mapping_workflow.py poolA.R1.fastq poolA.R2.fastq pool_genome.fa
# --> maps paired-end reads, creating poolA.bam
# repeat for each pool.

python tile_across_genome.py --windowSize 7500 pool_genome.fa > windows.bed
for STRAIN in $(awk -F. '{ print $1; }' windows.bed | sort | uniq)
  grep $STRAIN windows.bed > ${STRAIN}_windows.bed

(2a) Run the single-sample HMM:

for STRAIN in $(awk -F. '{ print $1; }' windows.bed | sort | uniq)
  bedtools coverage -a ${STRAIN}_windows.bed -b readsA.bam | cut -f-4 > ${STRAIN}_coverage.bed

  # smooth the data with a median filter
  Rscript $DIR/smooth_coverage.R ${STRAIN}_coverage.bed ${STRAIN}_coverage.filtered.bed

  # run the HMM:
  python $DIR/run_single_hmm_on_coverage.py ${STRAIN}_coverage.filtered.bed \
    ${STRAIN}_binAncestry_probs.bed ${STRAIN}_binNoAncestry_probs.bed \
    > ${STRAIN}_ancestry_probs.bed

  # filter out small bins
  Rscript $DIR/smooth_ancestry_probs.R ${STRAIN}_ancestry_probs.bed \

  # call breakpoints
  Rscript $DIR/call_breakpoints_from_smoothed.R ${STRAIN}_ancestry_probs.smoothed.bed \

(2b) Running the HMM that incorporates tetrad information:

# Let's say we have the four spores from a tetrad in each of pools A, B, C, and D
for STRAIN in $(awk -F. '{ print $1; }' windows.bed | sort | uniq)
  for POOL in A B C D
    bedtools coverage -a ${STRAIN}_windows.bed -b reads${POOL}.bam | \
      cut -f-4 > ${STRAIN}_coverage_pool${POOL}.bed

  # run tetrad HMM:
  python run_tetrad_hmm_on_coverage.py ${STRAIN}_coverage_pool[ABCD].bed \
    > ${STRAIN}_ancestry_probs.bed

  # filter out small bins and call breakpoints
  # run with -h to see all options
  python call_breakpoints.py ${STRAIN}_ancestry_probs.bed