actions |
Actions are secure, tenant-specific, versioned functions written in Node.js that execute at certain points during the Auth0 runtime. Actions are used to customize and extend Auth0's capabilities with custom logic. |
list(object({ name = string code = string runtime = optional(string, "node16") supported_triggers = optional(any, { id = "post-change-password" version = "v2" }) dependencies = optional(list(any), []) deploy = optional(bool, false) client_secrets = optional(list(object({ name = string client = string output = string })), []) secrets = optional(list(object({ name = string value = string })), []) })) |
[] |
no |
apis |
With this resource, you can set up APIs that can be consumed from your authorized applications. |
list(object({ name = string scopes = list(any) identifier = string enforce_policies = optional(bool, true) signing_alg = optional(string, "RS256") skip_consent_for_verifiable_first_party_clients = optional(bool, true) token_lifetime = optional(number, 86400) token_lifetime_for_web = optional(number, 7200) token_dialect = optional(string, null) allow_offline_access = optional(bool, false) })) |
[] |
no |
client-id |
Auth0 client id |
string |
n/a |
yes |
client-secret |
Auth0 client secret |
string |
n/a |
yes |
client_grants |
Auth0 uses various grant types, or methods by which you grant limited access to your resources to another entity without exposing credentials. |
any |
[] |
no |
clients |
With this resource, you can set up applications that use Auth0 for authentication and configure allowed callback URLs and secrets for these applications. |
name = string app_type = string cross_origin_auth = optional(bool, false) allowed_logout_urls = optional(list(string), []) allowed_origins = optional(list(string), []) callbacks = optional(list(string), []) web_origins = optional(list(string), []) organization_usage = optional(string, null) organization_require_behavior = optional(string, null) custom_login_page_on = optional(bool, false) custom_login_page = optional(string, " ") token_endpoint_auth_method = optional(string, "none") grant_types = optional(list(string), ["client_credentials"]) token_endpoint_auth_method = optional(string, "client_secret_post") logo_uri = optional(string, null) sso = optional(bool, false) jwt_configuration = optional(any, { alg = "RS256" lifetime_in_seconds = "36000" secret_encoded = "false" }) refresh_token = optional(any, { expiration_type = "non-expiring" idle_token_lifetime = "2592000" infinite_idle_token_lifetime = "true" infinite_token_lifetime = "true" leeway = "0" rotation_type = "non-rotating" token_lifetime = "31557600" }) })) |
[] |
no |
db_connections |
With Auth0, you can define sources of users, otherwise known as connections, which may include identity providers database authentication methods. |
list(object({ name = string password_policy = optional(string, "good") password_history = optional(any, { enable = true, size = 3 }) password_no_personal_info = optional(bool, true) password_dictionary = optional(any, { enable = true, dictionary = [] }) brute_force_protection = optional(bool, true) custom_scripts = optional(any, {}) enabled_database_customization = optional(bool, false) custom_scripts_configuration = optional(any, {}) })) |
[] |
no |
domain |
Auth0 domain |
string |
n/a |
yes |
emails |
With Auth0, you can have standard welcome, password reset, and account verification email-based workflows built right into Auth0. |
list(object({ name = string default_from_address = string access_key_id = optional(string, null) secret_access_key = optional(string, null) region = optional(string, null) api_key = optional(string, null) email_template = optional(any, {}) })) |
[] |
no |
google |
With Auth0, you can define sources of users, otherwise known as connections, which may include identity provider Google authentication methods. |
any |
[] |
no |
mfa |
Multi-Factor Authentication works by requiring additional factors during the login process to prevent unauthorized access. |
list(object({ policy = optional(string, "all-applications") email = optional(bool, false) otp = optional(bool, false) recovery_code = optional(bool, false) webauthn_roaming = optional(list(any), []) phone = optional(list(any), []) push = optional(list(any), []) duo = optional(list(any), []) })) |
[] |
no |
orgs |
The Organizations feature represents a broad update to the Auth0 platform that allows our business-to-business (B2B) customers to better manage their partners and customer |
list(object({ name = string display_name = string
branding = optional(list(any), []) connections = optional(list(any), []) })) |
[] |
no |
prompts |
With this resource, you can manage your Auth0 prompts, including choosing the login experience version. |
any |
[] |
no |
roles |
With this resource, you can create and manage collections of permissions that can be assigned to users, which are otherwise known as roles. |
list(any) |
[ { "description": "Administrator role", "name": "Administrator", "permissions": [] } ] |
no |
tenant |
With this resource, you can manage Auth0 tenants |
list(object({ friendly_name = string allowed_logout_urls = optional(list(string), []) default_audience = optional(string, null) picture_url = optional(string, null) enabled_locales = optional(list(string), null) change_password = optional(list(any), []) guardian_mfa_page = optional(list(any), []) default_redirection_uri = string sandbox_version = string error_page = optional(list(any), []) default_directory = optional(string, null) support_email = optional(string, null) support_url = optional(string, null) session_lifetime = optional(number, 168) idle_session_lifetime = optional(number, 72) session_cookie = optional(string, "persistent") universal_login = optional(any, []) flags = optional(any, { allow_legacy_delegation_grant_types = "false" allow_legacy_ro_grant_types = "false" allow_legacy_tokeninfo_endpoint = "false" dashboard_insights_view = "false" dashboard_log_streams_next = "false" disable_clickjack_protection_headers = "false" disable_fields_map_fix = "false" disable_management_api_sms_obfuscation = "false" enable_adfs_waad_email_verification = "false" enable_apis_section = "false" enable_client_connections = "false" enable_custom_domain_in_emails = "false" enable_dynamic_client_registration = "false" enable_idtoken_api2 = "false" enable_legacy_logs_search_v2 = "false" enable_legacy_profile = "false" enable_pipeline2 = "false" enable_public_signup_user_exists_error = "false" no_disclose_enterprise_connections = "false" revoke_refresh_token_grant = "false" universal_login = "true" use_scope_descriptions_for_consent = "false" })
})) |
[] |
no |
users |
n/a |
list(object({ name = string email = string roles = list(string) password = string })) |
[] |
no |