
Using the jedi autocompletion library for VIM.

Primary LanguagePython

jedi-vim - awesome Python autocompletion with VIM

now in beta testing phase

If you have any comments or feature requests, please tell me! I really want to know, what you think about Jedi and jedi-vim.

jedi-vim is a is a VIM binding to the awesome autocompletion library Jedi.

Here are some pictures:


Completion for almost anything (Ctrl+Space).


Display of function/class bodies, docstrings.


Pydoc support (with highlighting, Shift+k).

There is also support for goto and renaming.

Get the latest from github.

You can get the Jedi library is documented here.


The Jedi library supports most of Python's core features. From decorators to generators, there is broad support.


You might want to use pathogen to install jedi in VIM. Also you need a VIM version that was compiled with +python, which is typical for most distributions on Linux.

The first thing you need after that is an up-to-date version of Jedi. You can either get it via pip install jedi or with git submodule update --init in your jedi-vim repository.

The autocompletion can be used with <ctrl+space>, if you want it to work with <tab> you can use supertab.


Jedi is by default automatically initialized. If you don't want that I suggest you disable the auto-initialization in your .vimrc:

let g:jedi#auto_initialization = 0

The goto is by default on <leader g>. If you want to change that:

let g:jedi#goto_command = "<leader>g"

get_definition is by default on <leader d>. If you want to change that:

let g:jedi#get_definition_command = "<leader>d"

Showing the pydoc is by default on K If you want to change that:

let g:jedi#pydoc = "K"

If you are a person who likes to use VIM-buffers not tabs, you might want to put that in your .vimrc:

let g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers = 0

Jedi automatically starts the completion, if you type a dot, e.g. str., if you don't want this:

let g:jedi#popup_on_dot = 0

There's some support for refactoring:

let g:jedi#rename_command = "<leader>r"

And you can list all names that are related (have the same origin):

let g:jedi#related_names_command = "<leader>n"