
Initializes and exposes an olark service allowing access to Olark API to your ember application.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember Observer Score


Simple Olark Service for your Ember CLI app.

This addon lets you inject, configure and interact with the Olark API.

Olark API for Javascript reference doc for details on the usage.

The methods implemented are:

  • TODO / Checklist of Implemented
    • Events (onExpand, onShow, etc.)
      • box.onHide on('hide')
      • box.onShow on('show')
      • box.onExpand on('expand')
      • box.onShrink on('shrink')
      • chat.onReady on('ready')
      • chat.onOperatorsAvailable on('operatorsAvailable')
      • chat.onOperatorsAway on('operatorsAway')
      • chat.onBeginConversation on('beginConversation')
      • chat.onMessageToOperator on('messageToOperator')
      • chat.onMessageToVisitor on('messageToVisitor')
      • chat.onCommandFromOperator on('commandFromOperator')
      • chat.onOfflineMessageToOperator on('offlineMessageToOperator')
    • Chat conversation
      • setOperatorGroup
      • sendMessageToVisitor
      • sendNotificationToOperator
      • sendNotificationToVisitor
    • Chat box behavior
      • showBox (Shows the button)
      • hideBox (Hides the button)
      • expandBox (Shows the actual window)
      • shrinkBox (Hides the actual window)
        • setLocale (Sets the language settings for the box)
    • Visitor information
      • getVisitorDetails [returns promise]
      • updateVisitorStatus(string or [array of strings])
      • updateVisitorNickname(string)
      • updateVisitorFullName(fullName)
      • updateVisitorEmail(emailAddress)
      • updateVisitorPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
      • updateVisitorCustomField(fieldName,fieldValue)
      • updateVisitorCustomFields(pojo)
    • Pre-chat survey
      • system.ask_for_name
      • system.ask_for_email
      • system.ask_for_phone


  • ember install ember-cli-olark

Usage and configuration


Before using the Olark JS API you need to include it in your HTML. The most convenient way to do it is by using the addon service's OlarkInit method. To do so, you must configure the parameters to use to initialize the Olark API in your config/environment.js file in the OLARK key. The following is a basic example of such a configuration:

  OLARK = {
    identity: 'YOUR IDENTITY KEY'
		configure: [ //NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
			{ 'system.hb_primary_color': '#744da8' }

You need to replace YOUR IDENTITY KEY with your own Olark Identity Key (which can be found in the original embed code provided by Olark)


If you find yourself, needing the service in all your controllers you could inject the service by default in your controller like the following:

export function initialize(application) {
  application.inject('controller', 'olark', 'service:olark');

export default {
  name: 'olark',

Initialize Olark

Before using Olark you must initialize it. The most convenient way is to call the OlarkInit function of the olark service in your Application route:

import Ember from 'ember';
const {
	inject: {
export default Ember.Route.extend({
  olark: service(),

  beforeModel() {

Usage example

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  olark: Ember.inject.service(),

  actions: {
		openHelp() {
			const olark = this.get('olark');

			olark.on("expand",() => {
				Ember.debug("Olark Expanded!");

		closeHelp() {
			const olark = this.get('olark');

			olark.on("shrink",() => {
				Ember.debug("Olark Shrunk!");


Running Tests

Before running tests, substitute any occurence of YOUR IDENTITY KEY in tests/unit/services/olark-test.js with your YOUR IDENTITY KEY.

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.