

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to use it?

This angular + node app consist in representating the use case for meds and epidemiologist for controlling health issues propagation.

In this app there are 3 user types: 1. Admin 2. Meds 3. Epidemiologist

Where the admin user is the only one that can create all the different types of user. Meds create patients and colocate exactly the GPS location as floating point number. Epidemiologist has a view of all the patients.

For testing reason I have created testing users. 1. admin@test.com - admin 2. med@test.com - med 3. epidem@test.com - epidem

If you want to create a new user from scratch, check the private route /signup


npm install node server.js

chrome or firefox: localhost:8080



Based on next link
